
Archive for November, 2014

Benefits of Social Media Marketing in Small Businesses:

The presence of social media in businesses has expanded exponentially in the past few years. Most marketing experts and companies recommend social media marketing almost religiously as part of an overall strategy. Clients can become a little intimidated by this due to the pressure of having to produce content for their social media, all while not knowing the benefits that comes with a social media presence. So think of this post as a beginners guide to the benefits of social media marketing in small businesses.


Firstly, using social media reduces overall marketing costs by tweeting or posting content on Facebook in comparison to a paid advert or using printed media (leaflets, posters and flyers). While this is a good start up method for marketing, there are also more advanced options that rely on advertising tools that allow a demographic and keyword specific marketing campaign. Using both the free and paid for methods allow you to create a marketing campaign that matches your budget.

Another benefit is the impact that social media marketing can have on a businesses organic search results. Organic search results are results from search engines that occur via natural means such as how many views your site has, use of keywords and other variables etc. Businesses are usually told to optimise their content to make it SEO friendly and to make it more compelling for users. By having compelling content readers will be more willing to share and subscribe to your posts or site. Search engines notice social activity and take it into consideration in terms of ranking.

Additionally, by monitoring reader interactivity small companies can offer better customer service by reviewing feedback given by their audience. Using media platforms like Twitter or Facebook allows customers to converse with the business and vice versa. Along with better customer service, social media is a great way to establish your businesses personality. Providing a look into the company through an employee’s point of a view (behind-the-scenes information regarding your workspace and employees) can humanise the brand. This helps customers to connect with the company easily and can help to develop a loyalty to your brand.

Communicating with clients is just one way a company can use social media to expand their business audience, another way would be using social media to associate with other businesses on possible collaborations. From new distributors to possible business partners, using social media as an outlet to communicate with businesses that you wouldn’t normally be able to converse with can be a big advantage for small businesses.

We here at E-foreknowledge are running a bit short on time so we’re going to have to cut it short here. If you liked this post then share it around and make sure to keep an eye out for part 2 soon!!!

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